Lords of the Manor of West Parley

1 Sir John de Eleford or Ellesfield v. 1310
2 Sir Gilbert de Elsefield
Fought at the Battle of Borough Bridge, 1322
v. 1329
3 Sir William de Elesfield v. 1342
4 Sir Gilbert de Elesfield v.1379
5 Sir John Plecy of Shapwick, ob. 1407
Philip Fitz Pain
Sir John Streche n.1341, ob.1390
of Manor
6 Robert Derby, of Long Blandford
for his lifetime only;
he married the widow of Sir John Plecy
v. 1412
7 John Plecy of Shapwick n.1387 ob. 1417
8 John Cammel of Shapwick
nephew to John Plecy
v. 1451
9 Robert Cammel   v.1469 ob.1487
10 William Cammel ob. 1505
11 William Berkley
for his lifetime only;
he married the widow of William Cammel
v. 1528
12 Sir Richard Weston K.B.
of Sutton Court, Co. Surrey   n. 1466 
nephew to William Cammel.
His son, Sir Francis Weston, became involved
in the Court intrigues which ended in the
execution of Queen Anne Boleyn and was
beheaded in 1536.
His son, Henry, became Sir Richard's heir, and rose
to royal favour in the reign of Queen Elizabeth
but he does appear to have become Lord of the
Manor of West Parley
13 Thomas Redman ob. 1692
14 Robert Bower
Who married Ann, daughter of Thomas Redman
v. 1720
15 John Edwards
who married Joan, daughter of Thomas Redman
v. 1720
16 William Edwards v. 1750
17 James Mansfield v.1750
18 Charles Brune of Plumber 1764
19 Charles Morton Pleydell Brune 1770
20 Charles Prideaux-Brune  
21 Charles Prideaux-Brune 1833
22 Charles Glynn Prideaux-Brune  
23 Charles Robert Prideaux-Brune  

NOTE - From 1542 to 1692 the succession has yet to be discovered

The exact succession of the descendants of Thomas Redman is, at present, not very clear.